Saturday, June 2, 2012

Busy But Great Day-Day 53

What a beautiful day it was, temperatures were 62F in the morning and topping out at 75F in the late afternoon.  A lot of miles were traveled, 430 miles to be exact but the drive on Interstate 90 was just so relaxing.  It was sunny with a few clouds and of course 75MPH making the mileage seem that less foreboding.  Gasoline purchased was at $3.629/gallon, yeah!  I really took in quite a bit today, with Pompeys Pillar, Little Big Horn Battlefield, and topping it off with nightly viewing of Mt Rushmore.  The photos of Mt Rushmore were not the greatest but they do seem better than the last time I tried to take them.  These past three days I really have put on some mileage but the trip is winding down, just a week to go, and their is still a lot of mileage between me and home.  Today is going to be one of those days where their is no plans, except heading East, just drive and see where it takes me!
Hope everyone has a good weekend!

The Traveller

1 comment:

  1. you are getting to be Mr Wanderer....your pics are better than you think...
