Friday, June 8, 2012

Sweet Home...New York

What a great day for the ending of the 60 Day vacation as the temperature low and high were 68F and 80F respectively.  The sun was again out in full force as well.  Other then the week I was in the Northwest where I encountered a bit of rain, the weather pretty much behaved itself.  There was the occasional snow and dense fog in the high elevation but that is to be expected from time to time.  I for one am not complaining.  The last gasoline purchase was for $3.739/gallon.  I will give the total figures for gasoline on the trip when the math is finished.  Car rental, hotel accommodations and other costs will also be documented at a later time.  Top ten listing and nights in each state is also on my list of things to finish before I wrap up this trip.  I will say that the total mileage on the Toyota Corolla clocked in at 7939.6 miles.  Earlier I had documented the mileage on the Cruze in the blog so a total mileage of the trip can be calculated.  I enjoyed Niagara Falls so much the day before, I decided to travel down to the site again only this time to the American Side.  I then headed towards home and arrived there at 4:58 PM New York time.  Although the pictures posts have ended, there is still some unfinished business with the blog yet, so y'all come back and visit sometime.
Big Al here, start sending the wheres to our meeting places again.
Saying goodbye for now!

The Traveller

1 comment:

  1. welcome home Traveller....good to see you are home safely....happy you had such a great trip...
