Thursday, June 7, 2012

Water and More Water Day-Day 59

The weather continues to make this a great vacation as the temperatures low and high were 64F to 78F and the sun again was out in full force.  Ever since leaving Oregon, with the exception of maybe a couple of days, the weather has really cooperated on this trip.  The drive through Canada for stops in Sarnia, St Catharines, and Niagara Falls made for a fantastic day.  The Blue Water Bridge, Lock # 3, and Niagara Falls were all awesome sites as one can see in the photos.  The gasoline purchased was at $3.799/gallon today.  After crossing back into New York, this appears to be the going price back home as well.  The last day of my vacation trek is planned tomorrow and am not exactly sure what sites, if any, I will see.  I will tell everyone, the trip has been another wonderful journey.
Night everyone!

The Traveller


  1. Many thanks to you for sharing this journey with us....I feel fortunate to have been along for the ride...

  2. I just got caught up on the blog, sorry to see the trip winding down, but glad your back in NY close to home. Too bad Jupiter isn't playing yet, you could have caught some of the Cards youngest prospects!
