Saturday, May 19, 2012

Back To the Desert Day-Day 40

The temperature was a real nice 65F this morning when we boarded the Holiday Inn Express Shuttle to LAX.  I was real sad to see Mike leave this morning, he really brought a lot of joy to the trip these past five days.  The real nice temperatures came to an end in the afternoon as I headed East towards Palm Springs, as the temperature gauge in the car read 97F.  Gasoline was purchased at $4.359/gallon today, a whole .04 cents cheaper than yesterday.  I really got started late today so I did not get to see Joshua Tree National Park.  I can't believe that 2/3 of my trip is over already.  There is less than three weeks remaining and there still is a lot of things to see and many miles to go, so off I go to Joshua tomorrow.
Night everyone!

The Traveller


  1. Hey Dad, just wanted to let you know that I got back safe and sound last night. There was actually a medical emergency on my flight from LA to Cleveland which meant we were given clearance to land first in Cleveland. Not sure what happened, but I think someone in first class was having chest pains.

    Anyway, thanks for everything, I had a great time. I hope the rest of your trip goes well. I'll be watching the blog!

  2. who would not be proud of this young man???? glad you are enjoying yourself....that's what it is all about...
