Thursday, May 17, 2012

In A Fog Day-Day 37

The temperatures were in the high 50s and low 60s all day, a bit nippy for this time of year.  There was a great deal of fog also as one can see in the photos.  Gasoline was no problem as none was purchased.  It was a great day none the less as we toured Alcatraz, drove across the Golden Gate Bridge, and attended the St. Louis versus San Francisco Giants baseball game which was won by St. Louis 4-1.  Mike had a feel good moment as he caught a Nate Schierholtz tossed ball between innings and gave it to a boy.  The boy at the end of the game came over and thanked him for the ball.  Cudoos for Mike.  Even with the fog and cooler temperatures this area still has beautiful scenery.  We have a lot planned today as well so I am going to sign off and get started.
Have a great day everyone!

The Traveller


  1. Good job Mike! Glad your Cards won too!

  2. Wow, I hope I would have been so generous! Not sure...:-)

  3. a young man with his head screwed on correctly....what a concept....
