Tuesday, May 8, 2012

In Muir Heaven Day-Day 28

This makes three days in a row for great weather as the temperature at sun-up was 49F and moved on up to 84F at the end of the day.  As one can see in the photos there was plenty of sunshine to be had.  Gasoline purchased today is going in the right directions again, as $3.839/gallon was shown on the pump.  This is absolutely my most favorite place in the world.  I can understand why John Muir spent so much time here.    I spent hours in the Park today just taking in all the beauty.  This is a must see sight if traveling to California.
My plans are quite sketchy for tomorrow, maybe a trek to the shore, not sure!
Thanks for all the Happy Birthday wishes!

The Traveller

1 comment:

  1. no wonder...its simply lovely....how lucky you are to visit a place like this....
