Sunday, May 27, 2012


These pictures were taken of birds seen from the last two stops, from Timber Creek Trailhead, Kolobs Canyon (top photo) and from the drive on Route 24 (bottom photo) as one heads into Capital Reef National Park near Torrey, Utah.  The bird in the top picture is what they call a Western Scrub Jay.  Although the bird is often linked with the Blue Jay it is a total different species of bird entirely.  As one can see in the photo it wasn't shy at all.  The bird in the bottom photo is a Magpie associated with the European Magpie in the U.K.  Magpies are believed to be one of the most intelligent of all animals as they are able to recognize itself in a mirror test.  This particular one was quite social as well as curious with me as it flew all around me.

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