Tuesday, May 15, 2012

San Fran Day-Day 36

Temperatures were a bit on the cool side today as the temperatures never really rose above the low 60s.  Mike and I walked much of the Piers on Fisherman's Wharf today with a cool breeze hitting us in the face.  We ate Clam Chowder in Sourdough bread at Pier Market while there, very tasty!  This is such a wonderful town, if I was ever to move to a large city this would be it.  Gasoline purchased today was again out of sight at $4.379/gallon.  I used the Hotels' shuttle service to pick Mike up at the airport today.  Getting a hotel close to the airport proved to be a wise move.
It is time for one to say goodnight as we have a busy day planned for tomorrow which include a ballgame.
Night everyone!

The Traveller


  1. I agree....San Fran is a great city....glad you and Mike are enjoying...

  2. Glad you guys are having such a good time! Hope the Cards win!

  3. I wanted to text you guys at the game tonite, but my no-so-smartphone is again going back to Verizon for a replacement. This makes my 3rd phone which doesn't work. Stick with ATT folks!
