Monday, May 21, 2012

Bye Bye California Day-Day 41

This was a day that hit triple digit temperatures, 88F in the morning and a tie for the highest temperature on the trip of 107F in the afternoon.  I do have to say that while in Joshua Tree National Park, the temperature basically stayed in the low 90s.  This was due in part of the things to see in the Park were at elevations of 3000 feet and above.  I had to buy my last gasoline in California this morning at $4.459/gallon.  I only purchased enough to get me across the border to Arizona, though.  Gasoline in Arizona is much, much cheaper.  The drive through Joshua Tree National Park proved to be quite interesting with all the rock formations, the colorful vegetation, and of course the Joshua Trees.  There were more walking trails of a mile or more in Joshua to get to see the Park good sites than there was in Death Valley.  One did not have to drive the distances that one had to in Death Valley to see them, however.
May I be the first to wish bro a Happy Birthday tomorrow.
The plan tomorrow is to drive through Phoenix/Tempe area and then possibly head to Sedona.
Its back to work folks!

The Traveller

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