Sunday, May 6, 2012

Lassen Plan Day-Day 26

The temperature this morning just broke 52F, it then fluctuated between 45F to 63F while traveling up the 10 mile trek in Lassen Volcanic National Park.  The temperatures were not a major concern for me however, as the sun shone brightly all day.  As has been accustomed on my trips, one could not drive all the way through the Park.  I did meet some skiers at the Devastated Area of the Park.  They were going to ski down Lassen Peak during that day.  It would take them about four hours to trek up the slope and only about 10-15 minutes to ski down it.  There were other skiers on the slopes of Lassen Peak which looked like little ants from my perspective.  Gasoline purchased today was for $3.979/gallon and $3.99/gallon.  I am paying much more attention to the prices and gas tank these days.  I really thought the prices would have come down a bit by now.  I am also asking the locals where are the gas stations with the cheapest gas.  The sun and the scenery made for such a lovely day today.  It has to be that I am in California.
The plans tomorrow entails a trip to a Lake that has its residents in both California and Nevada.
The sandman has showed up folks!

The Traveller

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