Monday, May 7, 2012

A Ta(ly)hoe Day-Day 27

Another beautiful day in Northern California, temperature a bit cool in the morning 52F and also during the drive up Mt Rose (8900 feet elevation) on Route 431 (41F to 55F) and finally settling in at 73F at the end of the drive into Carson City.  Again the sun shone brightly all day, in fact I got a bit of coloring on my face today.  Gasoline purchased today was at $3.999/gallon as I am trying to find places that are south of $4.  This was another good day for the scenery as Lake Tahoe and Emerald Bay where just magnificent as one can see the photos.  I am treating myself to John Muir's and my favorite spot today.
Have a nice day everyone!

The Traveller


  1. What a beautiful place to spend your birthday! Enjoy! Happy Birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday Papa!

    emmy and Zachary

  3. Enjoy...enjoy...know you old coot...hehehe...
